YAMAHA SG1820A Electric Guitar


Based on YAMAHA's famous "SG", equipped with an active pickup EMG-85/81, this guitar has arrived with low noise, high gain, and high power specifications! ! Not only the lock pegs, but also the wood of the body and neck have been applied with a unique technology, IRA (Initial Response Acceleration), to reproduce the pleasant sound that has been played for many years, and the overall modern and highly playable specifications are attractive. ! Recommended for those looking for a new SG suitable for contemporary music! ! Scratches and dents can be seen throughout. Attached case There are scratches and dents on the whole, dullness/rust on the metal parts, and the smell of cigarettes. A strong cigarette smell comes from the attached case. The warp of the neck has been adjusted with a rod, but it is slightly raised from the joint. Playing is in perfect condition. There is a slight decrease in the frets, but there are enough left and there is no particular problem with playing.

Although there is a feeling of use, there is no problem in operation.
Accessories: Hard case
Condition: Used
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