1 x OAK TREE sapling 10 - 20 cm tall

The wise old English oak holds a special place in our culture, history, and hearts. It supports more life than any other native tree species in the UK; even its fallen leaves support biodiversity.

Native Oaks are  the single best tree for supporting wildlife. Their leaves are eaten by more types of caterpillar than any other British tree, and the deeply ridged bark of the old trees is an excellent home for many other insects.


Create the right-size planting hole. You can make the hole wide, but don’t make it deep. The most common source of transplant mortality is from planting a tree below the root-line. Many people dig a deep hole and back fill to the appropriate depth. But the loose soil in the bottom of the hole usually settles a few inches, just enough to sink your tree into the danger zone. Dig your hole no deeper than the root of your tree.

Also Ideal size tree if you were thinking of trying to grow a Bonsai tree

THE TREES WILL BE BAREROOTED FOR POSTAGE if purchased between Oct and April after April they will be in pots . Please plant out and water as soon as possible after they arrive .

Any questions please shout up , we are here to help.

If you are interested in a bulk order please message us about discount .