"Lone Wolf", a cry to chill the black blood of the Gargoan forces. As a member of this most elite fighting force your mission is as follows...

To seek out and destroy as many enemy ships as you can find, to cause havoc and above all, never to die alone - takes as many of the enemies with you as possible! In order to achieve this feat, you are equipped with the very latest hunter-killer crafts, the SEEKER II. A fast maneuverable ship, with the latest rapid fire photon cannon, force shields, long distance scanner and a DESOLATOR.

Originally created for the MSX computer in 1986 by Colin Dooley that high-paced action game is now available for the ColecoVision, Coleco Adam and CollectorVision Phoenix!

System Requirements:

This game requires additional memory that is found in a ColecoVision equipped with a RAMBOard or Super Game Module. You may also use a CollectorVision Phoenix or a Coleco Adam to play this game. To fully experience the sound in this game you will need either a Super Game Module or compatible sound enhancement.

Video Demo:
