Medal commemorating the 1889 visit of Kaiser Wilhelm II to England and the naval review at Spithead.

Scarce and important medal.

Large Bronze 60mm 81.3g by L C Lauer

Cataloge BHM 3368; Eimer 1750; MH 643

Medal commemorating the visit of Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1889. 

Obverse: The Emperor's bust, shoulders nearly square, head (left), full dress military uniform with decorations, fur cloak over the shoulders, thrown back. Legend: 'THE GERMAN EMPEROR WILHELM II VISITS ENGLAND AUGUST 1889'. 

Reverse: Bow view of a long line of men-of-war steaming ahead. Below: 'NAVAL REVIEW.' Above, a medallion showing the bust (left) of Queen Victoria, crowned, surrounded by laurel wreath and resting on laurel branch with ribbon inscribed 'VICTORIA REGINA 1889.'

Wilhelm II of Prussia, The Spithead Naval Review, Bronze Medal, 1889, by L C Lauer, uniformed bust of the Kaiser left, rev the fleet sailing in line astern, medallic bust of Victoria above, 

From an 1889 newspapper (scanned to text):
Newspapers & Gazettes  The Mercury (Hobart, Tas. : 1860 - 1954)  Wed 7 Aug 1889 
 Page 2 



The review of the British Navy at

Spithead in honour of the visit, of the

Emperor William of Germany, which

was postponed on account of a hurricane

blowing on Saturday last was held on

Monday, and was in every respect a

triumph of British naval prestige.

One hundred and ten warships took

part in the review,' forming an unbroken

fighting line extending along the Solent

from Spithead for nearly 150 miles, the

array comprising ironclads, cruisers, and

torpedo boats, all in fighting trim.

The twelve German' ironclads which

accompanied the German Imperial yacht

Hohenzollern, conveying Kaiser William

from Germany were anchored in close

order, off Spithead, the officers and

crews on board watching the manoeuvres

of the British fleet with liveliest interest

There was also a large assemblage of

yachts belonging to the Royal Yacht Club.

Arrangements were made for those

commodation of members of the Ministry

and both Chambers of the Imperial Legislature,

as well as the colonial representatives

and distinguished colonists on bo as

one of Her Majesty's vessels.

?? The entire naval manoeuvres were carried

out with SUCCESs and the Emperor

William expressed most eulogistic

Her, Majesty the Queen viewed the

manoeuvres, from on board one of her

Royal yachts" Among other distinguished personages

present were Prince Heinrich, younger

brother of the Emperor William, Count

Herbert Bismarck, as also the Marquis of

Salisbury and other members for the Im-:

perial Cabinet.
