Flamingo Pattern Anti Bite Anti Grasping Anti Licking Cat Neck Elizabethan Collar Cute Cat Puppy Neck Protective Circle Collar

Product:Pet protection collar
Suitable for pets:Dog Cat
Purpose:Pet Products/Dog protection collar/Cat protection collar/Elizabethan collar
Features:Convenient/Beautiful/Anti Bite/Anti Grasping/Anti Licking

[Product introduction]: 
When your pet has this Elizabethan collar, you can use it when he takes a bath, when he has a hairdressing, when his wound is restored. This can prevent your pet from catching, licking and biting. It can be very effective to protect it


Size Diameter Perimeter Recommended weight
S 6cm 19cm 1cm
M 8cm 25cm 3cm
L 10cm 31cm 7cm