Link Paspanguwa ceylon Ayurvedic Herbal Drink Authentic Quality Herbs 25g


Link Natural Enriched Paspanguwa is developed based on research carried out on ancient Ayurvedic formulations used to combat cold and related symptoms. The traditional popular formula, consisting of five plants are boiled in water to produce decoction, which is called ‘Peyawa’. Many preparations of Paspanguwa containing these plants, are readily available in the market. In the formulation of Link Enriched Paspanguwa, three other plants renowned for its medicinal activities have been added to strengthen its efficacy. This new formulation provides synergistic and quick action for the same symptoms and ailments.


·        Link Natural Enriched Paspanguwa is developed based on research carried out on ancient Ayurvedic formulations used to combat cold and related symptoms.

·        Can be used for Sneezing, runny nose, body aches, headache, cough , fever and all cold related symptoms.

·        The traditional popular formula, consisting of five plants are boiled in water to produce decoction, which is called ‘Peyawa’.

·        In the formulation of Link Enriched Paspanguwa, three other plants renowned for its medicinal activities have been added to strengthen its efficacy.

·        This new formulation provides synergistic and quick action.Authentic quality herbs, washed dried and coarsely ground for quick preparation


Link Paspanguwa Sri Lankan Ayurvedic Herbal Drink Enriched Authentic Quality Herbs 25G



Coriander – Coriandrum sativum Linn, Ginger – Zingiber officinale Roscoe, Pathpadagam – Hedyotis corymbosa Lamk, Katuwelbatu – Solanum xantbocarpum Schrad & Willd, Ela-batu- Solanum surattense Burm, Vishnukranthiya- Evolvulus alsinoides Linn, Veniwelgeta – Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr, Black pepper – Piper nigrum Linn.



 Boil the contents with 3 cups of water for 10-15 minutes. Strain and drink. Adults: Take in 2 divided doses. Children: Take in 4 divided doses. Use for several days as required.


 Sneezing, runny nose, body aches, headache, cough , fever and all cold related symptoms