
What is Brown Rice Flour?

Rice flour is a finely milled flour obtained from the grains of rice. The grains are harvested and threshed to remove the inedible husk. Brown Rice Flour, similarly, is the product of grinding unhulled rice kernels.


Flavor Profile:

Rice Flour is fairly neutral in taste. Compared to processed white rice flour, brown rice flour has a deeper, earthier, and nuttier flavor; overall, any flavor the flour may have is very slight and practically nonexistent.





Rice Flour Pancakes

Things you’ll need:

· Three eggs

· ½ cup milk

· One tablespoon of vegetable (or a neutral) oil

· ½ teaspoon salt

· One cup of Organic Zing’s Organic Brown Rice Flour

Akki Roti – Stuffed Flat Bread

Things you’ll need:

· 1 cup rice flour

·1/3 teaspoon salt

·Three tablespoons of fresh coconut

·½ teaspoon cumin seeds

·One green chili fine chopped

·One sprig of fresh curry leaves, finely chopped

·Two tablespoons of coriander leaves or dill leaves (optional)

·2 to 3 tablespoons of very finely chopped onions.

·¼ cup grated carrot

Rice Flour Sugar Cookies

Things you’ll need:

· ½ cup of butter

· ¾ cup of Powdered sugar

· One teaspoon of Vanilla extract

· One tablespoon of Cornstarch

· ¼ teaspoon of Salt

· 1½ cup of Brown Rice flour

To The Kitchen:

· In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar until smooth.

To The Kitchen:

· Beat the eggs in a mixing bowl; add the milk, vegetable oil, and salt. Whisk in the rice flour until no dry lumps remain.

· Cover the bowl and let it sit at room temperature for 1 hour or in the refrigerator overnight.

· Heat a lightly oiled pan over medium-high heat. Drop batter by large spoonfuls onto the griddle and cook until bubbles form and the edges are dry.

· Flip and cook until browned on the other side. Repeat with the remaining batter.

·½ teaspoon grated ginger

To The Kitchen:

· In a mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients. Pour water a tablespoon at a time to bind the flour. Keep adding more water depending on the moisture levels in your vegetables, onions, and coconut. Make a moist dough. The Akki roti dough has to be sticky & moist as it helps spread the dough easily.

· Divide the dough into four equal balls. Spread dough on a cloth or parchment paper

· Gently spread the dough with wet fingers on a greased parchment paper.

· Heat a pan. Gently lift the roti with the parchment paper and place it on the pan. Slowly remove/lift the paper/banana leaf. Cook it on both sides, as shown below.

· Add vanilla, cornstarch, and salt – combine well.

· Lastly, add the rice flour in two batches – and combine well.

· If the dough feels too dry – add water, a tablespoon at a time (up to four.)

· Divide the dough into two parts. Wrap in plastic and let chill in the fridge until firm.

· Preheat the oven to 340°F.

· Roll the dough on a lightly dusted surface to a quarter-inch thickness. Cut out cookies using a cookie cutter and transfer them to a parchment-lined baking tray.

· Bake until the edges get a slight color.

· Even after baking, these cookies are white, so it’s very easy to overbake them.

· When done, remove it onto a cooling rack and cool completely.

· Then, transfer to an airtight cookie jar.
