Flibbity Jibbit and the Key Keeper by Vernon Grant. Published by the "Junket" Brand Foods, Division of Chr. Hansen's Laboratory, Inc. 1943 - First Edition!

Measures 5.5 in. X 7.75 in., pages unnumbered.

This is a very unique little vintage book! It was an advertising leaflet sponsored by "The 'Junket' Folks" at Chr. Hansen's Laboratory and printed at Little Falls, N.Y.  Junket is a milk-based dessert, made with sweetened milk and rennet, the digestive enzyme that curdles milk. For most of the 20th century in the Eastern United States, junket made with milk instead of cream was a preferred food for ill children, mostly due to its sweetness and ease of digestion.

There are 10 charming full-page color illustrations and many smaller in-text illustrations throughout! Advertisements for "Junket" appear at the beginning and end of the book. It's in truly remarkable condition given the fragility of the covers, especially in addition to its age and young readership! Would be great for a collector of vintage children's books or a collector of vintage advertisements!

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