For sale is a DVD copy of the 2005 animated comedy Empire Sq. Condition is good, case has a lot of wear and tear but disc is very good.

There was a time when the people of your community knew your name, knew your family and they'd stop you in the street to talk about everything and nothing...

Thank f**k those days are gone.

So we didn't used to have to lock our doors, so what? If I only had a few horse brasses and a carriage clock I wouldn't lock my doors. Nowadays we have Plasma screens, DVD players, iPods and other cool s**t. And anyway, people do still talk to you in the street; whores, nutcases and paedo's are always trying to start up a chat in... Empire Sq.

Featuring corpse-sex, monkey shaving, bum-love, super-heroes smashed to death on pavements, electric shocks, therapy, crack-whore surgery, swan eating, celebrity rape, pygmie abuse and all the other issues affecting young people today.