πŸ€ Pack contains approx 50g. of Banana Leaves /Mix size.

But will expand when saturated. Vacuum-packed and sealed for freshness. πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

Blackwater for Aquarium


Our hand-picked and selected leaves belong to the Magicle Leaves. The species is native to Southeast Asia, and many aquarists report that these leaves can health better fish, aid in spawning, and reduce animal stress, among many other benefits.

We at MATCHIMAA offer Premium Magicle Leaves that are great for improving your tap and tank water, making it better and ideal for shrimp, crayfish, isopod, axolotl, salamander, frog, hermit crab, crabs, betta fish, and various fish.

Our Premium The Leaves are hand-picked and vacuum-packed for freshness, releasing optimum tannins and lasting longer. These leaves are 100% clean. Can be used in any freshwater aquarium.

The Leaves and leaf litter are a good source of biofilm in fish tanks, and all shrimps love to graze on them. Having an assortment of leaf litter in your tank helps to ensure baby shrimp get through their first weeks. Microfauna and snails will eat them too. The leaves are ideal for creating blackwater aquarium conditions.

The leaves release tannins, which can boost shrimp immunity properties, resulting in healthier and stronger fish. Also relieves aquarium stress. and will decompose over time. The leaves are perfectly safe to remain in the tank.

Please note, The Leaves will float for a while, before sinking and expanding when added to your aquarium, and will gradually release tannins which will give your water a brown tint. Tannins will filter out over time and are completely harmless to fish. To reduce the brown discoloration, feel free to soak your leaves for a few days prior to adding them to your tank.

blackwater in aquarium


As the water from our taps does not always have the ideal parameters for the maintenance of some fish, The leaves improve some conditions; in this way, we replicate the natural habitat of fish, mainly tropical fish from acidic waters such as those that come from some places in Asia and from South America.

When added to the aquarium, the leaf gradually deteriorates, releasing substances beneficial to fish and aquarium water. The primary substances are phenols, acids, and tannins.

These substances actively help decrease the hardness and subsequently the pH of the water. The leaves have reduced much of the water hardness.

As the leaves release acids such as humic and tannic (which are present in higher concentrations), the pH and hardness of the water are reduced. This effect is accomplished so that if you want a natural solution to lower the pH levels in your aquarium, our Matchimaa leaves will help you achieve this.


  • Improves Water Quality
  • Naturally Lower pH Levels
  • Helps Keep the Fish and Shrimp Vitality
  • Tress Reduction
  • Creating Hiding Spots & Protection
  • Great Source of Food
  • A location for fish to spawn
  • Enhance the natural color.

Banana leaves


Picking Up: We will naturally pick the leaves that fall on the ground. Then we specially select the leaves to go through the meticulous process.

Washing: We have rinsed the leaves in freshwater to remove any leftover dirt or dust that may have been missed.

Drying: We use the dryer dome and the power of the sun to make dried leaves. (No waxed, No coat anything)

Packing: We pack the leaves into the vacuum-packed bag well clean and safe. Convenient to use and keep for a long time. In order to produce the highest grade products for your beloved fish.

Indian Almond Leaves for Aquarium


Leaves in Aquarium help to adjust the water to have the pH value. And helps to add minerals as food sources. Make them feel like living in BLACK WATER their natural environment. and vitality in tropical fish.

In each type of Leaf, contain several tannins (such as punicalin, punicalagin, or tercatin), saponines, and phytosterols. Due to this chemical richness, the leaves (and the bark) are used for various purposes.

Tannins in the aquarium. Tannins are an essential naturally occurring compound that is found in numerous organic sources in the wild. Most oceans are going to have a long list of sources that produce these tannins, which is why fish are used to their presence.

The term Tannins refers to Tannic acid, which often enters the aquarium via driftwood or decorative leaves. Tannic acid is a natural substance and leaches from new wood or leaves after they are added to the aquarium. This happens in nature too. The brown or yellow color that tannins produce is often referred to as the β€˜blackwater effect’.

Aside from the natural look that tannins produce in your water. It has some effects on your water parameters too. Tannic acid is, unsurprisingly, acidic, so it can lower your pH. Many tropical fish originate from blackwater environments so adding tannins to create a blackwater effect on your tank makes the environment more natural for them.

indian almond leave for red shirmp


Please note, The Leaves will float for a while, before sinking and expanding when added to your aquarium, Or reduce the tanning of the water too much? We recommend soaking Leaf in a bucket of water for 1-2 days before adding it to your aquarium.

Or you can boil the strips for about 3-5 minutes to get the tannin release started and letting it cool down before putting it into the tank. which will give your water a brown tint. The benefits last for many weeks and there’s no need to withdraw them when you add more. and are completely harmless to fish. are always recommended. Thanks for visiting!