1971 - Present 1 Penny 1p One Pence Coins 

Over the last few years I have developed my own cleaning solution that cleans the pennies to a fantastic shine, almost ready for immediate mounting and are in my opinion the best Craft Supplies pennies on the market

12-24 Hours cleaning for every coin with a special solution that has taken me years to develope. You can't buy a penny in better condition. Just check out the photograph, the bottom one is the condition they naturally come in and the top is after my specialised cleaning service and boy oh boy what a difference it makes. 

For private collectors I guarantee you will want to completely change your collection for a full collection of lovely shiny coins - Talking of which, at the bottom of the variations list is: Penny Set 1 - All Shiny and you get 48 different dates for £45

To buy just one is expensive because of postage, but you get 50% off when you buy 4 or more - Buy a random sample year for 99p and check it out for yourself

QE2nd and King Charles 3rd III