Gemini May 21st - June 20th

♊️ Gemini Birthstone: Tourmaline | Agate

♊️ Gemini Abundance Crystal: Agate

♊️ Gemini Companion Crystal: Selenite

Gemini is extremely active, both physically & mentally. Your innate ability to multitask is strengthened by your Agate birthstone since the stable & grounding stone encourages you to pay precise attention to details while still seeing the bigger picture. This stone’s multiple layers bring hidden information to light. Agate is also invaluable in avoiding the nervous tension to which you are prone. Gemini is what is known as a dual sign, that is, it has two sides to its nature & Agate has the ability to integrate this duality.

However, Agate works slowly, which can trigger your natural impatience. Your other birthstone, Tourmaline works faster & is equally appropriate for a dual sign as it balances the two sides of the brain & integrates your inner & outer selves. It draws off negative energies & stabilises your tendency to fly off in too many directions at once.

With your moon in Gemini you are an excellent communicator who takes a flexible approach to life. You have a knack of knowing exactly the person who can help in a given situation & networking is your forte. Your intuition is strong & you have the ability to make inspired connections & a tendency to do several things at once. Wearing Selenite will assist you in shutting off the chattering mind & enhances your ability to get quickly to the core of a problem. Tourmaline is an excellent support for your positive qualities.

~ The Crystal Zodiac, Judy Hall.


- 1 x Katauras Handmade Gemini Bracelet

- Natural 8mm Black Tourmaline

- Natural 8mm Botswana Agate

- Natural 8mm Selenite

- 304 Stainless Steel Engraved Bead

- Quality Beadsmith Elastic

- Women’s Standard Size 7”

- (Please contact for alternative sizing)

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Katauras Crystal & Reiki Cluster


~ Add ‘Gift Wrapping’ at the Checkout to receive an exclusive Katauras Crystal Cotton Gift Bag (1 x Bag Per Transaction).

* Please note, all crystal meanings & their descriptions are given as spiritual support on your healing journey & not a prescription or substitute for medical advice.