These are EXTENSION CABLES for connection from the Power Supply to the Motherboard and/or Graphics Card. You must still use the cables - male to male - supplied with the power supply. You will connect these cables female end to one of the male ends of your cables that came with the power supply, and the male end of these extension cables to the Motherboard 14 pin, 8 pin, and 8 or 6 pin PCIe for the Graphic Card. The extension cables are either 16 or 18 gauge and fully capable of handling the 12 volt current your power supply generates for the computer's operation. 

This is an easy way to enhance your computer's look especially if your case has glass sides. They will also aid in routing cables if the ones that came with the power supply are too short. Nothing has to be done but plug the two ends to their respective proper sockets.

The number of cables included is shown in the respective color photos, and that is what quantity/color is being sold in this listing.