Mr. Dog and the cat make trouble w.ukraińska

Ben Fogle, Steve Cole
Rok wydania: 2023
EAN/ISBN: 9789669828835
Producent/Wydawnictwo: Vivat
Sygnatura: 941307
Uwaga: prezentowane zdjęcie jest tylko poglądowe
i może różnić się od rzeczywistego zdjęcia przedmiotu
W przypadku wyczerpania nakładu dla podanego
roku wydania,
będzie wysłana inna wersja tego tytułu.

Mr. Dog and the cat make trouble w.ukraińska

Its not the first year that Noel has been making money from illegal hunting and selling exotic animals. The woman was good at keeping everything a secret until several of her wards were on their heels. One of them, the forest cat Angus, is met by Mr. Dog on a walk in the park. Now in the good paws of the dog is the salvation of not only this furry, but also all the wild animals that Noel separated from their natural environment. And he will definitely figure out how to make this woman a lot of trouble. An exciting book both for a parents bedtime story and for independent reading by children. In an easy and interesting way, he will talk about important aspects of eco-awareness. Will teach kindness, compassion and mutual assistance.


Oprawa/opakowanie: twarda, Rok wydania: 2023
L. str. 144, Wymiary: 13,5 x 21
ATN-5 /WG/0


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