Cyathea woollsiana


Each packet contains a generous amount of sieved spore (no trash included)


 Sent by air mail anywhere in the world.

TRACKINGTracking is now available on spore shipments within Australia. This is covered by the postage cost of $1.50 per item in a prepaid envelope.

The ridiculous cost of Australia Post charges for overseas tracking ($17.70) for the same envelope/small package) is so high no one would be willing to pay it, especially on a $12 order) so there is no tracking on shipments to destinations outside of Australia. We will send a photo of the envelope with postage paid sticker on it when it is sent.

This is  spore – NOT living plants, see note  below.
NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE to buyers who say they did not know! Read all the details before ordering.

Do not order spore if you do not know how to germinate them. It is completely different from growing flowering plants from seed. Fern spore looks like a bit of dust and if it spreads across the packet it needs to be tapped back to the bottom. See instructions below.

Watch this video (The dark art of growing ferns from spore) to see how to grow ferns from spore –

Cyathea woollsiana (wool zee ah na) is a tall, slender tree fern mainly in the mountain areas of north Queensland.  The stipe bases are persistent on the upper part of the trunk; they have clumps of spines on the bases of the stipes.  Fronds are up to 2.5 m long, quite broad in relation to length and have overlapping crowded segments.

This is an easy fern to grow in areas of high humidity if it is also given adequate waterings.  It is very hardy in a range of conditions and seems to do better in cooler situations rather than in hotter ones.

Information and images from Australian Tropical Plants DVD ROM

                                      Australian Tropical Plants Download version

Note: Sometimes the spore in the packet gets shaken to the edge and settles in the folds of the paper. It is a good idea to open the packet slowly (out of any breeze, or you could loose the lot) and while holding the edges of the packet upwards gently tap the paper on the outside with a pencil to shake the spore back into the centre fold.

Note: If you have never grown ferns from spore before it is suggested you research it carefully first. It is completely different from growing plants from seed. A good video is this one from Gardening Australia
Study this and see if you are willing to give it a go.