Velon Negro 21 Mechas Tumba Trabajos/ 21 Wick Chile Destroy Witchcraft.

Velon de 21 Mechas Tumba Trabajos Negro

Potente Velón Especial 21 Mechas Negro se utiliza para la protección y destruir magias, hechizos. Brujerías, Envidias, Mal de Ojo. Destruye todo tipo de magias que te afecten a ti o a tu familia.

23 por 8 cm (1 libra y 11 onz)

Black 21 Wick Candle Destroys Witchcraft & Black Magic

Powerful Black 21 Wick Candle is used for protection and destroying magic, spells. Witchcraft, Envy, Evil Eye. Destroy all kinds of magic that affects you or your family.

Large Solid Pillar Candle 9"x3" inch (1 lb 11 oz)

1 to 3 Day Priority Mail Shipping

Candles are a direct connection with the spiritual world. Any person who wishes to pray for a special request to break and reverse curses or spells, will highly benefit from this candle. The candle emits strong light from quality wick, that helps raise the vibrations that connects with the Superior forces. This way your request is delivered with reverence to be heard and dealt with under the divine grace.

Legal disclaimer: Law states that Spells, Readings and Paranormal are for entertainment purposes. You agree that the purchase of our products or services is subject to your own interpretation and is not intended as a substitute for any legal, financial, psychiatric and or medical services. We accept No liability or responsibility for any paranormal activity that may or may not occur due to the use of our products or services.