Buddhists and Hindus both use prayer beads. In Hinduism they are more commonly known as Japa, and in Buddhism they are more commonly known as Mala. There are usually 108 beads and a top bead known as the Guru Bead or Sumeru. Smaller numbers of beads can also be used and are usually known as Wrist Mala or Power Bead Bracelets because they are worn around the wrist, which is useful if you are travelling.

Mala or Japa beads aid concentration when meditating. The Beads are usually held and moved between the thumb and third finger until the mantras have been completed. When you reach the Guru Bead or Sumeru, you turn the beads around and go back the other way, rather than crossing over the top bead. The index finger never touches the beads because it represents Ego, which is an impediment to self-realization.

Why 108 beads? There are many reasons – 108 is a sacred number to the Eastern religions and traditions.

Jade Full Mala

The faceted 8mm Ruby Zoisite mala is a beautiful and unique piece of jewelry that combines the healing properties of two powerful gemstones. Ruby Zoisite is a natural combination of ruby and zoisite crystals, creating a stunning mix of green and pink hues.

The mala features 108 beads, each measuring 8mm in diameter and expertly faceted to catch and reflect the light, creating a beautiful sparkle. The beads are strung on a durable cord, and each one is separated by a knot, which represents a point of focus during meditation.

Ruby Zoisite is believed to be a powerful stone for enhancing energy levels and promoting feelings of joy and positivity. It is also said to help with spiritual growth, improving communication and facilitating the release of negative emotions.

Wearing this mala can help you stay centered, focused and energized throughout the day. It is also a powerful tool for meditation and can help deepen your practice, allowing you to connect more deeply with your inner self.

The faceted 8mm Ruby Zoisite mala is not only a beautiful accessory but also a powerful tool for personal growth, healing and spiritual development.

Suggested Mantras for this Mala:

Om Sarva Kamadaya Namaha

Om Sri Maha Lakshmyai Namah


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