The Ultimate SEO Backlink Strategy - Google Entity Stacking (100% Manual & 100% Safe Permanent Contextual Links)

(If you want to see examples of my work for previous my clients, just message me)

Google Entity staking is one of the most powerful backlinks. One of the best way to get backlinks is by getting permanent links from Google itself. This advanced SEO strategy that will take your website to new heights. And guess what? It's all about leveraging the trust and authority of Google itself!

What could be more valuable to Google than links from its very own domains? That's where the genius of this strategy comes in. By obtaining backlinks directly from Google, you'll skyrocket your website's credibility. Google loves these links.

I will create a carefully interlinked web of backlinks exclusively from Google and its owned web properties. This means that a massive amount of potent link juice will flow directly from Google's authoritative domains to your website.

Here's what you'll get:

After ordering, kindly provide us with....

1. your Website URL 

2. main keywords to target

3. Youtube link (optional)

4. Twitter link (optional)

If your site is for local Business, then provide us with... 

1. your Website URL 

2. keywords - upto 5 (optional)

3. Google Map link (optional)

4. images and videos (optional)


it is much more beneficial for SEO to have a diverse set of backlinks to your website rather than relying solely on one type. 

You can Order from the links below for Different types of backlinks that will help contribute to a more natural and balanced SEO effort.

1.  55 PR7-PR9 Dofollow Manual High PR Backlinks 

2.  20+ EDU GOV Safe Permanent Backlinks