Wang Prom Thai Herbal Balm Relief Pain Massage Original Yellow Muscle Sprains 20g

To this day, more than 25 years since Wang Phrom Herbs have invented and blended Thai herbs with folk wisdom. to produce medicines One of the four factors, over 25 years, Wang Phrom Herb has been known as the original manufacturer of herbal balm number one in the country.

Wang Phrom original herb balm is used for effective symptomatic relief of muscular aches, pains, sprains, insect bites, burns, itchiness, and lumbago. It also provides effective relief of motion sickness, vertigo, nasal decongestant.

Pleasantly scented, a little rubbed into your chest to counter nausea, or rubbed into your temples to soothe a headache

For relief of muscular aches, pains and sprains.

Ingredients: Zingiber montanum, Curcuma sp, Cryptolepis dubia, Camphor, Borneo Camphor, others.

Registration No. G190/60


Fresh rhizomes, fresh yellow rhizomes,

dried tendon vine and other drugs

(applied externally)

Package 1 x 20g
