Red (Peach) Aventurine gets its beautiful colour from Goethite, Hematite & Pyrite present within its structure. The name Aventurine is from the Italian ‘a ventura’, meaning ‘to fortune’.

Red Aventurine an excellent crystal if you are a naturally shy or anxious person. The energies of this crystal will soothe your nerves & put you at ease in any kind of situation. This crystal is recommended for people who worry a lot as it will help silence any kind of critical self-talk.

It’s also powerful good luck stone that will also strengthen your personal power... It will boost your self-worth & attract all kinds of success to you when you carry, wear or use it.


- 1 x Natural Red Aventurine Nuggets

- Size of Stones between 9 x 14mm

- Quality Elastic. Size 7”

- (Please add a note for alternative sizing)

- As Featured on Instagram @katauras

Handmade with love & light

Kate x

Reiki Master

Owner of Katauras