baby shark

mommy shark

daddy shark

Baby Shark

Baby Shark is cute and curious and loves to collect things found in the ocean.

Mommy Shark

Mommy Shark is the coolest and calmest shark around. She always makes time to sing, laugh and play with Baby Shark.

Daddy Shark

Daddy Shark is tough and excellent at hunting. He’s a strong shark but Baby Shark and Mommy Shark bring out his softer side.

grandma shark

grandpa shark


Grandma Shark

Grandma Shark is cheerful and funny, and a friendly shark who loves to hum melodies and meet new friends wherever she swims.

Grandpa Shark

Grandpa Shark is a swimming encyclopedia who always has the answers to Baby Shark’s questions about everything under the sea.


Baby Shark’s good friend is a smart little orange fish who is always ready for an adventure.