Has your button near the joystick stopped working? So did mine, that’s why I have listed this replacement part so you can repair the part that fails inside the Logitech G13 Advanced Gamepad or Gameboard.

After the repair you can get back to mashing buttons and making unforgettable memories with your friends and reminding them how the G13 is the GOAT!

The item listed is 3D printed to replace the factory part that can fail.

Tools you will need for the repair.

- #1 star screwdriver, 

- Plastic pry tool

- Heat gun or may be substituted for a hair dryer.

I will send a link to instructions on the repair when the item is purchased.

Message for any questions you may have.

The listing is for only the replacement part (the orange colored item pictured).

Also, consider adding to your order a silicone joystick accessory to keep your grip on the joystick when it gets intense. Check my other listings for the joystick add-on color options. There are more color options available in the other listing. If you see a color that is not listed here please let me know in the comments.

Logitech G13 Advanced Gamepad Button Repair.

*Color may vary from picture depending on the batch. Listing does not include the Logitech button in the blue box. Blue box is just to show which button this repair is meant for.