Select Philatelic Material
NFC01 Mexico Follansbee's "A Catalogue of the Stamps of Mexico 1856 -1910 New. I have entered in a plan to sell out the last of Nick' s landmark catalogue published in 2015. There will be no more printed and this is your opportunity to purchase a brand new catalogue. 

As you know, I sell Mexican Philatelic material in the Classics, Post Classics, Revolution, early Modern, Modern stamps and covers. I sell Officials, Airmails and other back of the book items. I even sell Postal Stationery and Revenue issues. So, basically I just about sell everything, but the one thing I like to specialize in and sell are the classic issues. That is my first love and I have explained recently how hard it was to figure out what all the classic Districts of Mexico and their consignment numbers fit into the classic period issues as a whole. It was not until my friend Nicholas Follansbee, Nick for short, put out his first volume of the specialized Classic issues back in 1998 that I really got a complete picture of what each issue, denomination and district named stamps were worth. Page by page, his catalogue was filled with information and a lot of expanded knowledge that any collector of Mexican classic issues needed to have good understanding of these complicated stamps. 
I found out recently from Nick that the third volume of his catalogue is his last and it was produced and released in 2015. I found this out when he contacted me about possibly doing his sales and shipping for his catalogues to foreign mail offices. The USA sales are easier and far less expensive to sent than the ones sent overseas. Our discussion lead to me offering for sale his catalogue for both Domestic and Foreign customers. Since I have around a thousand people that receive this message ever week, it sounded as a good plan. This was not for the extra work or the break even sales, but mostly for getting this the most important catalogue for Classic Mexico to the 1910 issues in the hands of collectors.  There are likely less that 50 of these brand new soft cover catalogues left from the original order that Nick made when he published the 1915 edition.

Now you may think, if that was printed 7 years ago, is it still useful? That of course was the first thing I also thought until I realized that I use his catalogue every day that I am in my office. It has been the go to reference for me for all these years of selling Mexico. If you look at most of my lots, I have an estimate that is likely the low price close to Nick’s prices, because his prices are for Fine to Very Fine, not Very Fine like most other catalogues. The reason is obvious, because the classic issues of Mexico are rarely Very Fine and his prices are normally the real price most of these are worth. I then put a high price that I feel is reaching the top price. Of course my sales price may be lower than or hight than the low and high estimate. But Nick’s values even today are really closer than any other catalogue you will find for Mexican stamps. 

Shipping is free to any addresses in the United State, but due to the high cost of shipping international the sale of is $25 higher to cover the extra fees from the United States to International customers.  All the books are in soft bound and are shipped in heavy cardboard holders for extra security. US address will be shipped as Media Mail and Foreign addresses will e shipped by Airmail first Class.

Thanks, Bubba Bland

Mepsi #2795, APS #198784, USPCS #4030, Western Cover Society#1423, UPSS #6670, CCNY, RPSL