Complete with over 60 parts. Box is in good condition with a little wear around the corners. Comes with 2 books of projects with color photos of easy to follow designs. There are 305 projects that are described. Here is a complete list of projects:

Experiments 1-101: Electric Light & Switch; DC Motor & Switch; Sound Activated Switch; Adjusting Sound Level; Lamp & Fan in Series; Lamp & Fan in Parallel; Light Emitting Diode; One Direction for LED; Conduction Detector; Space War Alarm Combo; Flying Saucer; Decreasing Saucer Lift; Two-Speed Fan; The Fuse; Musical Doorbell; Momentary Alarm; Alarm Circuit; Laser Gun; Space War; Light Switch; Paper Space War; Light Police Siren; four More Loud Sounds projects; Clap Sounds; four More Clap Sounds projects; Voice Light Diode; Voice Control; Motor Space Sounds; Motor Space Light; Space Battle (II); Silent Space Battle; Periodic Sounds; Blinking Double Flashlight; Motor Controlled Sounds; four More Motor Sounds projects; Light-Controlled Flicker; More Sound Effects; This OR That; This AND That; Neither This NOR That; Not This AND That; Reflection Detector; Quieter Reflection Detector; Flashing Laser Light with Sound; Space War Flicker; Spinning Rings; Strobe the House Lights; Race Game; Using Parts as Conductors; Spin Draw; Space War Flicker Motor; five Light-Controlled Sounds projects; Electronic Bombing Game; Quiet Zone Game; Space War Music Combo; Space War Siren; Quiet Water Alarm; Light-Controlled Lamp; Voice-Controlled Lamp; Motor-Controlled Lamp; Light-Controlled LED; Sound-Controlled Time Delay LED; Motor-Controlled Time Delay LED; Space War Flicker LED; Music AND Gate; Flash and Tone; Lamp, Speaker & Fan in Parallel; Pencil Alarm; Pencil Alarm Variants; Fun with the Alarm IC; two Motor Sounds Combo projects; Music Alarm Combo; two Bomb Sound projects; Light-Controlled LED (II); Touch Light; Touch Sound; Wacky Sounds; Wackier Sounds; Really Wacky Sounds; Noisier Water Space War; Light/Water Space War; OR/AND Space War Light; Simple Water Alarm; Simple Salt Water Alarm; Ambulance Water Alarm; Ambulance Contact Alarm.

Projects 102-305: Batteries in Series; Ticking Screecher; Spacey Fan; Two-Transistor Light Alarm; Light-controlled Alarm; Automatic Street Lamp; Voice-controlled Rays of Light; Blowing Off the Electric Light; Adjustable Tone Generator; Photosensitive Electronic Organ; Electronic Cicada; Light & Sounds; four More Light & Sounds projects; Motor Speed Detector; Old-Style Typewriter; Optical Transmitter & Receiver; Space War Sounds Controlled By Light; Space War Radio; The Lie Detector; NPN Amplifier; PNP Amplifier; Sucking Fan; Blowing Fan; PNP Collector; PNP Emitter; NPN Collector; NPN Emitter; NPN Collector - Motor; NPN Emitter - Motor; Buzzing in the Dark; Touch Buzzer; High Frequency Touch Buzzer; High Frequency Water Buzzer; Mosquito; High Sensitivity Voice Doorbell; Louder Doorbell; Very Loud Doorbell; Doorbell with Button; Darkness Announcer; Musical Motion Detector; Radio Music Alarm; Daylight Music Radio; Night Music Radio; Night Gun Radio; Radio Gun Alarm; Daylight Gun Radio; Blow Off a Space War; Series Lamps; Parallel Lamps; two Fire Fan Symphony projects; two Fan Symphony projects; two Police Car Symphony projects; two Ambulance Symphony projects; two Static Symphony projects; Capacitors in Series; Capacitors in Parallel; Water Detector; Saltwater Detector; NPN Light Control; NPN Dark Control; PNP Light Control; PNP Dark Control; Red & Green Control; Current Controllers; Current Equalizing; Battery Polarity Tester; Blow Off a Doorbell; Blow Off a Candle; Blow On a Doorbell; Blow On a Candle; Screaming Fan; Whining Fan; Light Whining; More Light Whining; Motor That Won't Start; Whiner; Lower Pitch Whiner; Hummer; Adjustable Metronome; Quiet Flasher; Hissing Foghorn; Hissing & Clicking; Video Game Engine Sound; Light Alarm; Brighter Light Alarm; Lazy Fan; Laser Light; Water Alarm; Radio Announcer; three Pitch projects; Flooding Alarm; three Make Your Own Battery projects; four Tone Generator projects; three More Tone Generator projects; Music Radio Station; Alarm Radio Station; Standard Transistor Circuit; Motor & Lamp by Sound; Fading Siren; Fast Fade Siren; Laser Gun with Limited Shots; two Symphony of Sounds projects; Transistor Amplifiers; Pressure Meter; Resistance Meter; Auto-Off Night-Light; Discharging Caps; Changing Delay Time; Morse Code Generator; LED Code Teacher; Ghost Shriek Machine; LED & Speaker; Dog Whistle; Mind Reading Game; Enhanced Quiet Zone Game; Capacitor Charge & Discharge; Sound Wave Magic; Space War Amplifier; Trombone; Race Car Engine; Power Amplifier; Feedback Kazoo; AM Radio; two Fire Engine Symphony projects; Vibration or Sound Indicator; Two-Finger Touch Lamp; One-Finger Touch Lamp; two Space Battle projects; Multi-Speed Light Fan; Light & Finger Light; Storing Electricity; Lamp Brightness Control; Electric Fan; Radio Music Burglar Alarm; Light Dimmer; Motion Detector; Fan Modulator; Oscillator 0.5-30Hz; Sound Pulse Oscillator; Motion Detector; Motor Rotation; two Motor Delay Fan projects; High Pitch Bell; Steamboat Whistle; Steamship; Light NOR Gate; Noise-Activated Burglar Alarm; Motor-Activated Burglar Alarm; Light-Activated Burglar Alarm; Photoresistor Control; Microphone Control; Pressure Alarm; Power Microphone; LED Fan Rotation Indicator; Space War Sounds with LED; Sound Mixer; Sound Mixer Fan Driver; Electric Fan Stopped by Light; Motor & Lamp; Start-Stop Delay; Mail Notifying System; Mail Notifying Electronic Bell; Mail Notifying Electronic Lamp; Twice-Amplified Oscillator; Quick Flicking LED; AM Radio with Transistors; AM Radio (II); Music Amplifier; Delayed Action Lamp; Delayed Action Fan; Police Siren Amplifier; Lasting Doorbell; Lasting Clicking; Quieting a Motor; Transistor Fading Siren; Fading Doorbell; Blowing Space War Sounds; Adjustable Time Delay Fan; Adjustable Time Delay Lamp (II); Adjustable Time Delay Fan (II); Watch Light; Delayed Bedside Fan.