Bunch of Red Stemmed Parrots Feather - Myriophyllum brasiliensis


Weighted bunch - just drop in pond!

This variety of parrot feather has attractive red stems which contrast with the bright green whorls of feathery leaves. Adaptable to shallow or deeper water. Helps reduce algae and balance the pond.

Oxygenating plants are vital for maintaining a healthy pond. Their underwater green leaves give off bubbles of oxygen during daylight hours which improve the quality of the water to the benefit of the fish and other pond creatures. Underwater growth provides habitat for pond life such as newts and water snails.

They also reduce the spread of algae by competing with them for nutrients.

Please note that these species are suitable for ornamental or wildlife pond use and are non-invasive. Excess growth of any species used in a garden setting should be disposed of responsibly and never introduced to wild habitats.

Parrot’s feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum) has been historically misidentified as M. brasiliense, whereas the true Brazilian red stemmed parrot’s feather/milfoil is a much less aggressive plant.

On receipt of the this plant, please put into water immediately. You can just drop them into your pond and they will establish themselves.



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