This is a MILLS FIVE CENT Vintage "SKYSCRAPER" Model GOOSENECK SLOT MACHINE about c. 1930 in age. It is in working condition as it accepts nickels and periodically pays back (returns) nickels in the jackpot tray. I make no guarantees about the working condition of this machine, as three months from now it may not work - but for now it works splendidly. I hope you understand my statement of condition. You SHOULD NOT have any problem with it, but anything mechanical could suddenly have a problem that is unforeseen and need the attention of a technician.  It is mounted on a wooden base. The metal case is in very good condition - please see photos. He comes with two keys for the rear panel. This is an ART DECO MACHINE. If that's what you're looking for, look no further!!!  

A similar model was featured in the classic film "Bad Day at Black Rock". Please see photo.

  You can organize your own shopping company which will assume responsibility for the machine once it leaves my premises. I did this with a game machine a few weeks ago and it has worked out flawlessly. 


Measurements: 25" tall x 16" wide x 15" deep.