How to order

ebay system do not allow option select in this category.

So please check our listing carefully and order like belows.

1. Select Leather & color on color chart.

2. Select options.

3. Order and pay for this listing.

4. Just write about your choice(Leather & color / options that you want)
on order page and send message after order.

5. We will check and then let you know how to pay on ebay system.

6. If our work is done, we will update tracking number on eBay system.


All of our works is based on Order to made system.
Working period is about 6-8 weeks for half-cases usually.
Of course if we can, we will do our best for reduce period.
And you can see our most recently news about work and new products & sample colors on our Instagram


Arte di mano

Handcrafted by JnK

Leica Q3 case.

Snap button fixed type / battery & SD card door / Non tripod screw

Sample leather - Rally volpe (Vegetable tanned / Italy)

Thread - light brown (Serafil / German)


About Design

You can meet design and quality that you haven't ever seen.

Our exquisite design will be offer best fitting and protect device from dent and shock.

About back side, we made it with open-type design.

There is not any interference with screen and any control dial.

You can control easy by our thoroughgoing design.

Because we insert complex metal parts as inner parts for maintain shape,

You can meet so strong and nice fitting case.



And about fitting, it is very important work in our process.

We spent very much time to make perfect fitting.

You can't any space between our case and device.


Inserted grip,

Process to make inserted leather grip

Our inserted grip is made of layered real leather to comfort shape, too.

So it give natural and comfortable grip and touch to you.

You can hold camera more easily and safety by our built-in leather grip.


Perfect consideration for tilting,

The bottom part is grooved to provide a gripping space to enable perfect tilting without compromising the design of the case.


Sufficient gripping space for tilting is secured by design adjustment.

Carefully designed, the case does not affect the use of the tilt function.


Snap fixed,

The feature of the snap fastening system is that it is free to attach and detach.

Basically, the screw type does not support USB/HDMI wired connection and tripod mount use with the case attached.

However, since the case can be detached or removed simply by the free operation of the pair snap button, you can use the function by take off case.


About Battery & SD card access door system,

Arte di mano's proprietary battery door system is a simple system using magnets. It was developed for the first time in Korea and is an optional option that has a ripple effect enough to be imitated by related brands in other countries, including Italy.

Concerns about the shape of the battery door of the Leica M digital camera, and the multi-stage battery door introduced in Q2 also attempted for better convenience and the first success in the world market was made at Arte di mano.

Arte di mano's stubborn philosophy on the design of traditional leather products, material processing technology, and craftsmanship have resulted in a design achievement that secures convenience while maintaining a traditional appearance as a leather product.

Now, the battery door-type cases using magnets that can be found commonly in the world market are all products made after the success of Arte di mano.

We never stop challenging ourselves to do better today. That's why our system is always evolving one step further today than yesterday.

Step 1,

If you use it like a normal battery door, the first door will open and you can use it as a battery door.

Compared to the previous model, more than twice as much magnetic force and more appropriate magnetic force distribution provide more stable 1st and 2nd door functions and separate usability.


Step 2.

Hold the open battery door and pull lightly once more to open the SD card slot door.

SD cards can be replaced safely and quickly with the case on.

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You don't need to take off case for change battery & SD card anymore.

You can change battery very easily with our battery door system just with one finger.

< Additional options >

1. Aventino grip

Extra cost : USD 100.00

The Aventino Grip is a more advanced grip system inspired by the Aventino Hill, the gentle and peaceful hills of Rome, Italy.

All angles from the top, bottom and left and right are designed with ergonomic considerations to provide a very comfortable and stable grip. The hardwood is cut to shape, covered with leather, and fixed with sturdy hand stitching, so it is very strong. It provides the same level of improvement as Leica's original grip accessories, but rather a more natural and comfortable grip with a cut angle at the top and bottom.



2. Lens cap guard skin

Extra cost : USD 50.00

* not included lens cap.

You can use it just stick it on center of original Lens cap.

And connect sting to strap lug on camera.

Then, you don't need to worry about missing anymore.


3. Engrave personal words

Extra cost : USD 15.00 (Use of corrosion plate. shallow depth) / USD 70.00 (Use of brass plate. deeper intaglio)

* For crocodile or if you want better quality engraving, you need to pay USD 70.00 for personal engraving.

You can request engrave personal words on your ordered item. 

It will be engrave on bottom of case. 

Please note your words and font like belows by note.

Words :                      / Font :                      

Example) Words : JnK-handworks / Font : inkburrow

And if you requested it before, you can request the same words without extra cost.

Because we keep your initial panel if you made before.

Color chart


(Vegatable tanned, Italy - Walpier)

Extra cost : none

Finish - Natural glossy type, Embossed(Shrunken pattern), Hand brushed two tone dye / Hardness - ★★★★☆

2017 New leather article. Hard type / Strong with scratch 


(Vegatable tanned, Italy - AUSONIA)

Extra cost : none

Finish - Matt type, milling, parafiin / Softness - ★★☆☆☆

Minerva Box

(Vegatable tanned, Italy - BADALASSI CARLO)

Extra cost : none

Finish - Matt type, milling / Softness - ★★★★★


(Vegatable tanned, Italy - Walpier)

Extra cost : none

Finish - Matt type, Oil, Hard type / Hardness - ★★★★☆

Goat skin

(chrome tanned, France - Alran)

Extra cost : none

Finish - matt type / Thickness - 1.2 ~ 1.4 mm / softness - ★★☆☆☆


(Vegatable tanned, Italy - BADALASSI CARLO)

Extra cost : USD 10.00

Finish - Matt type, Art finish by steel ball / Hardness - ★★★☆☆

* Pueblo is a premium leather of BADALASSI CARLO.
This leather requires much effort by hands to be produced.
Please see the artistic finish on it.

It might look just like a scratched leather when you see it in a little piece,
but when our work is done, you will see something artistic and unique.


(Vegatable tanned, Italy - BADALASSI CARLO)

Extra cost : USD 10.00

Finish - Natural glossy, Art finish by hand blade / Softness - ★★★☆☆


(Vegatable tanned, Italy - La Perla Azzurra)

Extra cost : USD 10.00

Finish - Matt type, Milling / Hardness - ★★☆☆☆


(Hybrid tanned, France - HAAS)

Extra cost : USD 20.00

Finish - Matt type, Oil and waxy / Thickness - 2.0 ~ 2.2 mm / Softness - ★★★★★

* Novonappa is very famous leather that used by French luxury brand H*****. You can see more pictures about this leather by Search on web - keyword " French luxury brand H***** Novonappa "
It is the original leather that made by HAAS of France. It looks like full vegetable leather. Actually it is vegetable and chrome mix tanned leather.
So, it is so light than full vegetable leather but it has surface that is able to going natural aging like vegetable tanned leather.
And It has very oily surface. You can feel very smooth touch by this leather. Because it has much oil inside. 

If you do not touch this leather item for a long time, you can see some powder on surface of leather. 
It is proof of much wax and oil. 
And this oil and wax will protect this leather item and give smooth touch, Of course if you use it again, the powder will back to inside again! 


(Chrome tanned, France - Roux)

Extra cost : USD 20.00

The original leather that Leica usually used for French luxury brand H***** Edition.


(Chrome tanned, Germany - LEDERFABRIK PERLINGER )

Extra cost : USD 20.00

Finish - Matt type, natural shrunken emboss / Softness - ★★★★★

* Shrunken is most famous leather of French luxury brand H*****. They called this leather as 'togo'.
It is not a vegetable leather that we usually use. 

Chrome tanned leather has more vivid color tone and more lighter than vegetable leather.

English Bridle

(Vegetable tanned, England -  SEDGWICK)

Extra cost : USD 30.00

Finish - Bridle finish / Hardness - ★★★★★

* Powder on surface is named 'Tallow'. Tallow is made of beef tallow and cod oil. 
It is exist on surface and inside of leather.
Tallow makes bridle leather more strengthful. 

If you use it or in making process, tallow will be disappear and surface will be natural glossy.
Also if you do not often use, tallow will be appear on surface.

Lizard skin

(Real lizard skin, indonesia)

Extra cost : USD 150.00

Finish - Glossy type

Italian Shell cordovan

(Vegetable tanned, Italy - Rocado s.r.l)

Extra cost : USD 180.00

Finish - Glazed, aniline dyed

* Shell cordovan is one of a few tanneries that can produce shell cordovan
Especially, they make just horse hide leathers like horse front, horse strip and shell cordovan.
This tannery from Italy has so great skill about tanning and finishing.
If you can meet this shell cordovan leather, you can very satisfy about the quality,

You can meet two kinds of cordovan with our work -
FirstIy, Italian Shell cordovan, and Secondly, Horween's shell cordovan.
So below is our guide for selection.

If you just want quality than honor is italian shell cordovan.
If you like honor and more natural american finish, that is Horween's leather.

Shell cordovan

(Vegetable tanned, USA - Horween)

Extra cost : USD 250.00

Finish - Glazed, aniline dyed

* Horween is the most biggest and world best quality tannery about Shell cordovan.
Shell cordovan is strong and sense of touch is very nice.
It is very traditional leather since 1905 made by Horween.
You can meet the best product from best leather with best skills.

Ostrich leather

(Real ostrich, Africa)

Extra cost : USD 350.00

Finish - Matt type

Crocodile leather

(Nile crocodile, Singapore - Henglong)

Extra cost : USD 550.00

Finish - Matt type, Belly (back cut)

* The Henglung is one of most famous tannery that make crocodile skin.
They offer their crocodile skin to LVMH group and etc.
And even LVMH is their the largest shareholder because of their quality about crocodile leather.
Nile crocodile is the one of highest leather with singapore porosus and american alligator.
If you select Nile crocodile, you can't have any other better material among leather.
Because Nile crocodile is without a doubt the best leather.

Color sample,

Rally volpeShrunken-calf light grey

Rally volpe / Shrunken-calf light grey

Bridle red / Aventino gripShrunken-calf Grey

Bridle red (Aventino grip) / Shrunken-calf etain(Grey)

 Shrunken-calf Taupe / Minerva box napoli

Rally grigio (Aventino grip) / Minerva box black

Pueblo wine (Aventino grip)  / Rally volpe (Aventino grip)

Shrunken-calf black (Aventino grip)