Genuine UK Seller with high customer satisfaction
The cover pictures is to show how it looks after assembled and painted. To see
the actual product please refer to their individual photos.
Some background:
While the factories were the engine that drove the Chinese export economy, it
was the humble electric bikes that propelled everyday people's lives over the
last couple of decades in Chinese cities. Electric bicycles were incredibly
popular especially in urban areas, mainly due to their low cost and easy storage
(many people will just leave them in their living rooms). They were used for
everything such as commuting, school runs and even bulky deliveries, creating a
unique scene in the streets of Chinese cities. As batteries technologies matures
and price came down, full electric bikes started to become popular, while the
power assisted pedaling bicycles still in abundant due to their low cost and the
benefit of still usable when the battery runs out. 
What's in the box? 
An unusual novelty to your 1/24 collection. These are model kits that require
assembling and for a detailed professional result, painting is required. The kit
is reasonably detailed but as they are aimed towards beginners, many parts are
thicker than their real life counterparts to make it easier to assemble. The
instructions are in Chinese unfortunately but given the simplicity of the kit
(around 10 parts) that shouldn't affect the assembly. Please refer to their
individual product pictures to see what you will receive.
Please Note: The shell of the body comes in either random colour of blue, red or
white. The manufacturer decided to make this completely random for unknown