For God, Country, and Coca-Cola: The Definitive History of the Great American Soft Drink and the Company That Makes It von Mark Pendergrast

Art Nr.: 0465029175
ISBN 13: 9780465029174
B-Nr: INF1000667435
SubTitle: The Definitive History of the Great American Soft Drink and the Company That Makes It
ReleaseYear: 2013
Published by: Basic Books
Edition: paperback
Cover: paperback
Cover Format: 233x151x45
Pages: 560
Weight: 710 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Mark Pendergrast

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From its invention as a cocaine-laced patent medicine in the Gilded Age to its globe-drenching ubiquity as the ultimate symbol of consumer capitalism in the twenty-first century, Coca-Cola¿s dramatic history unfolds as the ultimate business saga. In this fully revised and expanded edition of For God, Country & Coca-Cola, Mark Pendergrast looks at America¿s cultural, social, and economic history through the bottom of a green glass Coke bottle and tells the captivating story of the world¿s most recognizable consumer product.
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"A meticulously researched history... [Pendergrast] aggressively sets the record straight about the birth of Coke, shattering company myths." -New York Times Book ReviewFrom its invention as a cocaine-laced patent medicine in the Gilded Age to its globe-drenching ubiquity as the ultimate symbol of consumer capitalism in the twenty-first century, Coca-Cola's dramatic history unfolds as the ultimate business saga. In this fully revised and expanded edition of For God, Country & Coca-Cola , Mark Pendergrast looks at America's cultural, social, and economic history through the bottom of a green glass Coke bottle and tells the captivating story of the world's most recognizable consumer product.
Information of Author
Pendergrast, Mark
Mark Pendergrast was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, and is the author of eleven books, including Uncommon Grounds and For God, Country and Coca-Cola. He lives in Vermont.
Information of Author:
Pendergrast, Mark
Mark Pendergrast was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, and is the author of eleven books, including Uncommon Grounds and For God, Country and Coca-Cola. He lives in Vermont.