Japan: Country Guide (Country Regional Guides) von Chris Rowthorn, Andrew Bender, Laura Crawford, Matthew D. Firestone, Timothy Hornyak

Art Nr.: 1741798051
ISBN 13: 9781741798050
B-Nr: INF1000215979
ReleaseYear: 2011
Published by: Lonely Planet Publications
Edition: Taschenbuch
Cover: Taschenbuch
Cover Format: 197x128x30 mm
Pages: 798
Weight: 640 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Chris Rowthorn, Andrew Bender, Laura Crawford, Matthew D. Firestone, Timothy Hornyak

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Here is the most comprehensive guide to Japan, including off-the-beaten-track areas in Okinawa and the Southwest Islands not covered by other guidebooks. A new planning section on traveling with children is included, with an expanded color section highlighting Japan's stunning temples, food, and festivals. 832 pp.