The SA-8 v.3 represents the pinnacle of low distortion, ported box 8 inch subwoofer technology. We built on our experience with the SA-8 series dating back to the original model which launched in 2010 to create something completely unique to the market. Every piece of the SA-8 v.3 has been custom tooled with the utmost performance and lowest distortion in mind. We started with a proprietary FEA optimized motor design engineered just for the SA-8 v.3 which features a large aluminum faraday right for low magnetic and inductive distortion levels.

Xmax = 16mm one-way by 70% BL
RMS Power = 500-watts
Vented magnetic gap featuring sixteen chamfered gap vents
Solid Pole piece with chamfered edges for increased air powered voice coil cooling
High velocity under-spider frame vents
Black Aluminum 2” voice coil former for superior heat dissipation
High Temperature copper voice coil wire
Large Magnet ID aluminum faraday ring
Spring Loaded Terminals
Stitched-On “XL” Tinsel Leads to prevent fatigue and failure
High strength & patented cast aluminum frame
Optimized for small, ported enclosures