Soy Andina - A Film About Peru, Dance and Identity (DVD, 2008) 

Two women raised in different worlds -- an immigrant folk dancer from the Andes, and a modern dancer from Queens, NY -- who journey to Peru to reconnect with roots and an astonishing world of traditional dance and culture.

After fifteen years in New York, Nelida Silva returns to her birthplace in the Andes to fulfill a lifelong dream and host the fiesta patronal -- a week of dance, music, and ritual honoring the town's patron saint. But Neli's changed, and so has the village...

Meanwhile, Cynthia Paniagua, a dancer raised in Queens by a Peruvian mom, embarks on her own Peruvian journey after meeting Neli -- determined to "quench a burning desire to know the real Peru, to unearth the mystery of the dances."

Soy Andina is an exuberant cross-cultural road trip, propelled by traditional music and dance rarely seen outside the country. But the core story is intimate and universal: a yearning for roots and connection in a globalized world.