Nemea | BreyerFest 2023

BreyerFest 2023 Special Run

The Nemean Games were hosted every two years in honor of the gods Zeus and Heracles and likely date back to the 6th century BCE. Hosted as a part of the Panhellenic Games, these events included both human athletic competitions (wrestling, running, and boxing) as well as equestrian competitions, including chariot racing. The equestrian games at Nemea were historically the only competitions that women were permitted to compete in, since it was the owner that was the victor, not the rider or driver. For our BreyerFest celebration of Driving Forward this summer, we were inspired by this beautiful 4th century BCE Amphora to create Nemea on the Akhal Teke mold (#805) sculpted by Heather Puleo, who has been shaded in a gorgeous orangey brown with a fiery mane and black decorative details, featuring a beautifully painted quadriga and driver on his barrel.