This is a handy pocket-sized carry-along talisman card to fit perfectly into your wallet or purse.  This feng shui amulet card with 9 Dragons in bright red ushers in wealth and prosperity and precious Yang energy into the home. Dragons are the ultimate symbol of success, power, courage and charisma, and there is nothing better than to invite new Dragons into one’s home in any new year.

The Dragon, long revered for its supernatural powers and strength, is one of the most important and powerful symbols in Feng Shui. It represents the ultimate ‘Yang’ symbol, male vigor, courage, and bravery. In Chinese culture and Feng Shui, the dragon is the most auspicious and magnanimous has become the ultimate symbol of power, abundance, good luck, and honor. This legendary Guardian of the Eastern Skies is said to create the precious cosmic Chi or known as the ‘Sheng Chi’ which brings good fortunes into our homes and workplaces, making it an all-rounder bringer of prosperity, good career luck, and success. It is a powerful cure and enhancer for business luck, bestows foresight and wisdom to the elderly, brings honor to the family, protects the wearer, and paves the way for more accolades in coming years.

The number 9 is considered auspicious because it is the highest single-digit number, and has connotations of extended time. Dragons were also associated with the number nine, as there were nine forms of dragons, each with its own attributes and power. Over time this amazing Power of Nine has become a popular amulet for business, as it is believed to bring prosperity luck for the present and future, opportunities & success, and overcome business competitors and conflicts.