Julio Casal was a prominent Uruguayan thinker and writer. He was born on June 21, 1859 in Montevideo, Uruguay, and died on July 7, 1929. He was an important figure in Uruguayan and Latin American literature of his time.

Casal is known for his modernist style and his symbolist poetry. He was a forerunner of modernism in Latin America, influencing later writers such as Rubén Darío. His works explore themes such as melancholy, introspection and symbolism.

This postcard is addressed to the prominent and outstanding architect Alfredo R. Campos, in this postcard he tells him about his recent conference and his next book entitled "Tree"
It is a great piece of philately for a collection dedicated to this theme as well as to listerature.
It was franked, probably by means of an excess postcard, for which reason only a mark appears on it.

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