NEON YELLOW AIRZOOKA BLAST AIR 20FT Bazooka Vintage Gun New By Can You Imagine.

Launch a Full Air Assault...

Without Ever Leaving the Ground!

AirZookaTM is the "fun gun" that blows a harmless ball of air towards an obiect or person!

Laugh with amusement as, seemingly from nowhere, you are able to mess up a person's hair, ruffle their shirt, dress or office papers from a distance, or just plain blow 'em away! ™

Requiring no batteries or electricity, AirZooka operates simply by pulling and releasing a built-in elastic air launcher. And here's the best part: because it shoots air, you'll never run out of ammo!

AirZooka also features a pop-up site for improved aiming. Try your luck at indoor target practice, or take aim at your friends with surprising accuracy.

Please note the box indicates that the Airzooka is Green but it is in fact Yellow as seen in photo #2