This is a handy pocket-sized carry-along feng shui amulet talisman card to fit perfectly into your wallet or purse. It features the image of Three Celestial Guardians and Chakra Protection Wheel, a strong feng shui symbol of protection against the three killings afflictions.

The Three Killings brings 3 kinds of misfortune and is one of the afflictions that need immediate remedying as we enter any new year. In 2024, the Three Killings afflicts the South sector, which also houses the Loss Star #7. Being the Direct Spirit of the new Period of 9, in which we are in the inaugural year, it becomes even more imperative to control this affliction, the South being one of this Period’s most important sectors.

Feng Shui masters believe that the 3 celestial guardians- the Pi Xie, Chi Lin, and Pi Yao - bring blessings while protecting against the 3 kinds of losses – loss of wealth, loss and reputation.

The Chakra Protection Wheel shelters, a great feng shui symbol against harm of all kinds, especially harm that comes through means that are totally out of your control. (Market crash, investments going bad, being cheated or scammed, force majeure, natural disaster.)