60 Boston Ivy Plant Vine Seeds 

*Great privacy screening properties, grow on fence, walls or Trellis and watch it climb.
*Grow in pot plants for indoor decor. Local Aussie Seller.

*60 Seeds = 60 Vines/Plant 

Parthenocissus tricuspidata

Free Shipping (We are based in Sydney, Australia)

*This is a great indoor or outdoor plant and great for privacy screening.
*Great climbing privacy screening properties, grow on fence, walls or Trellis and watch it climb.
*Grow in pot plants for indoor decor

Easy Germinating Instructions:
1. Moisten a paper towel. Place the ivy seeds in the paper towel and leave it in the refrigerator's crisper drawer for 3 weeks.
2. Do not keep any apples or bananas in the refrigerator during this time. They release ethylene gas which will render the seed nonviable.

3. Fill a small (10cm to 15cm) pot or germinating trays with moistened seed-starting soil.

4. Place one ivy seed in the center of the pot/ germinating trays, roughly 2.5cm apart for pots.
5. Press the seeds gently into the soil with your finger to ensure good seed-to-soil contact.

6. Keep the pot outdoors in an area where it will receive indirect sunlight. 

7. Check the soil's moisture level at least once daily.
8. If it begins to dry out, re-moisten it with a spray-bottle until you see water drip from the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.

9. Sit back and watch it grow.

*You get 60 Seeds = 60 Vines/Plants/Tree

*Please note we are selling the seeds, NOT the grown plant.

If you wanting to leave negative feedback on this item, please wait 90 days for plant to perform.  Your gardening skills play a big factor here, these are not magic seeds where you can just chuck it on the ground and then boom, a tree suddenly appears. Nurturing, Maintaining, Patience, Caring, Gardening skills and proper planning will ensure successful growth. Our seeds are good.