Directly from our private collection.

This rare piece, is one of the most powerful, yet extremely dangerous magical finds.

We collected this piece on our trip to Madrid, back in January of 1993.

My Wife and I had gone to Spain to celebrate New Years Eve, and it was meant to be a very short trip of a couple of nights.

But both of us ended up hospitalised in different cities, and both in a coma, on the night of December 31st.

We actually couldn’t remember anything of what happened on that night, until we saw it (or should I say projected it ?) through the little mirror which is up for sale.

And After 27 years We finally discovered what had happened to us in Madrid, all that time ago.

And boy,  we regret having used the mirror in the first place, because what we saw was incredibly frightening to say the least.

And by the way, We are still in shock today, as I’m writing this.

The Mirror happens to be a “ghost camera”, which can project events from the past, by absorbing the energies of human beings around it.

The issue (if it can be called that) is that it only operates on extremely negative frequencies and here’s what I mean more specifically:

The Ghost Camera is able to “capture” feelings of desperation, sorrow, madness, violence, fear, terror and so on… and then “paints an image” (or I would say “footage” rather), based on the feelings captured.

You can imagine what sort of things we got to see…
and it wasn’t just the terrible things that they did to us on the new years eve of 1993, but we unfortunately also got to see many other terrible things happening to all sorts of souls who got “captured”.

The only way of seeing those images however, is by “calling” the kids in the Mirror,  using the comb that is also up for sale.

Which is what Sheila (my wife) did, back in 2020.

Sheila did the one thing she shouldn’t have done:

She called the kids in the mirror.

She sang a nursery rhyme, while brushing her hair and holding the mirror..
All in her Spa room, where she has two tall candles burning.

Really not sure why she did that, but the next thing you know, our apartment is set in complete chaos…..

All of a sudden, every single wall of our flat was projecting the events of the night of December 31st of 1993 in Madrid.

We saw everything.

It was the most terrible sight being projected in every single room of our flat !

On that trip to Madrid, we happened to hang with a few locals on Christmas Eve,

Keep in mind we were in our twenties, and we were looking to have fun and hang with locals our age.

It was 2 boys and a girl and they were all siblings.

We were in our hotel room, after New Years Eve Dinner, and while everyone was out enjoying the fireworks, we were inside, trying to make up our mind on where to go and what to do to celebrate.

One of the boys then offered to go to the nursery school, in the outskirts.

He said, that from the Nursery School roof, there was the best view of the city, and we could really enjoy the fireworks.

So we accepted and followed them to the site.

As we got to the roof, we found out we weren’t alone, and other boys and gals had the same idea.

The only difference is that they weren’t at all watching the fireworks,

They were sitting in a circle, around two thick candles, which very much looked like the ones shown in the back of the mirror.

And there we saw it.

One of the Boys, was holding the comb and very gently was brushing the hair of the Girl besides him, while the Girl was looking into the mirror.

The other two were signing what sounded like a kids nursery rhyme in Spanish.

We looked at the brothers and they also seemed very puzzled, but also kind of excited ??

The projection in on our walls, then showed us approaching them and at the same exact moment we do, the images change dramatically, and now it’s all of us screaming to the top of our lungs, as we get dragged by our legs from what seemed like faceless school kids.

Here is a drawing that we made later on, (from what we saw in the projections):

And each one of these kids had the name of the person being dragged, drawn with dirt on their shirts.

The kids were dragging us to the edge of the roof, and there was no way to escape their grip.

Now, we’re still trying to figure out where did the kids come from, and whether it was a distorted projection coming from the mirror,

However, what we saw next was complete and utter horror.

The Kids throwing all of us off the roof, which was at least a 10 meter jump.

And then the images became distorted again, and now it’s pitch black in our apartment, no electricity and no lights, and our hearts racing.

But no faceless kids came out to get us this time.

Sheila’s instinct saved us this time.

She put the little mirror face down and threw the comb in the sink filled with water.

Apparently, that is the way to interrupt the summoning of the kids.

Or at least that’s what it seemed like.

The one to win this item, will have to use it themselves and follow our instructions to interrupt the process.

We also would like you to tell us exactly what you see in the projection, once it’s in your hands.

The nursery Rhyme that Sheila sang was Baba Black Sheep.

Please we want to know what you see and also want to know if we’re just completely out of our minds since the accident or what.

Please please please help us put the pieces of our past together!

We still haven’t managed to figure out why did Me and Sheila wake up from the coma after 45 days and in different cities.

(I was in Madrid, but she was in Lisboa !)

BUT MOST OF ALL:  how did the mirror end up in our home and when ?? CAN You help us figure this out ??? because this is probably the most disturbing thing.

For all these years we thought the Scrying Mirror was an artifact gifted to us by my own family, like maybe my Grandmother or something.... but now we know it's not the case at all and this piece is 100% an intruder in our house !

If you could help us figure this out we'd be soo greatful - and we do need someone else because we certainly are done with this and we don't want ANY MORE projections in our house.

We’re pretty confident that the illustration behind the mirror is of a Young Woman holding two candles, while a little comb is placed on her hair, probably ready to brush it??. (Take a look at the pictures)

It isn’t clear when or where it was made, but from the illustration (which seems made of terracotta) we have reason to believe it comes from North Africa and that there is some ancient Egyptian dark magic involved.

Let us know your thoughts.

Oh! And make sure to keep the mirror face down at all times. - specially if things start to go out of control !

Thanks so much !
Mike & Sheila