
The luxurious-looking "LES PAUL ROYALE", which was produced in limited quantities as a limited model of the 2011 EPIPHONE, is now in stock! A truly gorgeous piece with pearl white color, lame gold binding, and gold parts. Its looks are reminiscent of the Gretsch White Falcon, ``the world's most beautiful guitar.'' The specs are the same as the basic Les Paul, so you can play high gain that you can't do with the White Falcon! This is a guitar worthy of the word "royal." There are some scratches and dullness/rust on the metal parts. The truss rod works well, and there is plenty of room for adjustment in both the forward and reverse warp correction directions. The warp of the neck has been adjusted with a rod. There is some slight distortion and wobbling overall, but there is no problem with playing. Recommended for those who can enjoy a little bit of chatter. There is some slight wear on the frets, but there is enough left and there is no problem with playing.

Although there is a feeling of use, there is no problem in operation.
Accessories: No case
Condition: Used
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