***You save when you purchase more than one package of seeds.  Check out my other listings - additional seeds purchased  on the same invoice ship free!  The first package of seeds ships for full price (.99); additional packages ship free. Just use the shopping cart and pay for all of your seeds at once.  The shipping discount will be applied automatically.***



Hardy to Zone 5!

These seeds have been pre-stratified and are ready to plant.

Hibiscus attract hummingbirds, butterflies and bees to the garden.  These pollinators in turn make everything you grow more abundant. The flowers are edible, and many studies indicate they provide significant health benefits - do an online search for "health benefits hibiscus" and you'll be amazed at the benefits from this flower.  The seeds must be "stratified," that is, put through a period of cold, before they will germinate.  These seeds have already been stratified for you.

These seeds are from hibiscus that I grew on my farm. I am not a professional seed grower, but I have been saving and sharing seed for many years. Your seeds will be shipped in very plain and simple packaging - I don't have glossy packages, grow books, etc. like you would get from a seed company.

You save when you purchase more than one packet of seeds - additional seeds purchased on the same invoice ship free! The first package of seeds ships for .99; additional packages ship free.

Planting Instructions: Scarify seeds and soak in water for 48 hours prior to planting.  Sow indoors in seedling trays, or sow directly outdoors after all danger of frost is past and the soil has warmed. Plant seeds 1/2" deep. Water well at planting time, and keep moist until seedlings emerge in 4-6 weeks.