Galerie de Rubens, dite du Luxembourg; ouvrage composé de vingt-cinq estampes, avec l'explication historique et allégorique de chaque sujet. Paris Le Roi 1846. 
Large folio: 
25 plates
47,5 x 30 x 2 cm
2,4 kg
Intact book with complete engravings; stain on the first few pages at the top; worn at the edges.
Luxurious album containing a portrait of Rubens engraved by Benoist after Le Clerc and 24 engravings by Duthé, Benoist, Gabriel, Gouyon e.a. after Peter Paul Rubens' series of twenty-four paintings for the Palace of Luxembourg in Paris. The original works, commissioned in 1621 by Marie de' Medici, are currently preserved at the Louvre Museum. Each plate is accompanied by an explanation of the subject.