Wellness Tea for Calm and Sleep

Contains plants for mental health and relaxation, plants with antioxidant properties, plants for body cleansing and cardiovascular health.

Quantity of Wellness Tea for Calm & Sleep
After a hard day's work, many people suffer from insomnia and various sleep disorders that cause a decrease in performance and mood in the morning.

It is proven that sleep disorders cause depression, and depression, in turn, increases insomnia. It is difficult to get out of this vicious circle. "Sleeping pills" do not solve this problem, in addition, taking this kind of drugs for a long time, develops a habit and addiction, and antidepressants cause various side effects.

Nature has taken care of people, giving them such plants that soothe and help to sleep, without causing a hangover syndrome the next day.

In the health tea for calming and sleep, hawthorn reduces nervousness, peppermint and melissa tone and refresh and improve mood, laburnum reduces feelings of stress, valerian induces a pleasant feeling of relaxation and sleep (promotes falling asleep). Heather also has a mild sleeping effect, so a spoonful of heather honey will help in case of insomnia (especially for children).

In general, Health Tea for Calm and Sleep calms and relaxes, it can be taken in the morning, when nerves are tense and nervousness is felt.

This tea induces a drowsy state, so it is best taken when you are in a calm state, you should not drink the tea if a driving trip is foreseen.

60 г

Two tablespoons contains:
Peppermint herb 0.86g Heather flowers 0.4g. Lobasnik flowers 0.4g. Hawthorn flowers 0.4g. Melissa herb 0.4g. Cypress herb 0.4g. Valerian root 0.4 g.