Contains plants that help maintain physiologic blood cholesterol levels, plants that can protect cells and tissues from oxidative damage and plants for blood health.

Human health is very much dependent on the condition of the veins. Vein dilation and
inflammation are caused by many internal and external factors. In the development of
varicose veins initially decreases the tone of the veins, they expand and lose the
the "gateways" that normally channel blood to the heart. This causes stasis, which
causing thrombosis and inflammation of the veins. If it's advanced, the only thing that can help
is a blood vessel surgeon. But in the initial stages and after surgical treatment
veins can be helped to a great extent with herbal medicine. We offer a collection
herbal tea of blood vessel health.

It contains plants that reduce inflammation in the veins, tonify
vein walls and help maintain normal blood flow balance.

The bark and leaves of hazelnut are very high in biflavonoids, essential oil, 10% tannin, trace minerals and trace amounts of tannin.
oil, 10% tannin, micro and macronutrients. Under the influence of these substances
dilates the smallest blood vessels that supply nutrients
to the cells of the veins themselves. The bark and leaves of hazelnut also tonify the veins.
and prevent capillary rupture.

Mistletoe leaves regulate blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels,
birch leaves are diuretic and help the body to rid itself of metabolic by-products.
by-products of metabolism, and also promotes liver activity.

Honeydew herb contains coumarins, which reduce blood viscosity, it is important,
so that blood clots don't form.

Licorice roots stimulate the adrenal glands, which are of great
important for the body's homeostasis in maintaining health levels, in preventing allergies and inflammation.
preventing allergies and inflammation.
Goldenseal contains 3% bioflavanoids with a
strong strengthening action on the vascular wall and also antioxidant

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Two tablespoons contains:
Hazel leaves 0.7g, hazel bark 0.6g, mistletoe leaves 0.5g, birch leaves 0.5g, melon grass 0.4g, licorice root 0.3g. goldenseal herb 0.2g.