Original Martin Matschke Bild

Handsigniert - Hand Signed

Handnummeriert - hier die Nummer 904/999 - Mit Mappe

Herstellungsjahr ca. 1983-1986

War eine Sonderedition "Künstler der Welt" für die Deutsche Lufthansa Airline 1985 für deren First-Class-Passagiere.

 Herausgeber: Meissner Edition,Hamburg


Blattgröße: 15,0 x 14,0 cm

Bild Format: Serigraph

Original Fotos des Bildes das sie erwerben können.

  •  Umsatzsteuer: Dieser Artikel unterliegt als Kunstgegenstand/ Sonderregelung der Differenzbesteureung gem. § 25a III S. 1 UStG und § 25a III S. 2 UStG. Ein Umsatzsteuerausweis erfolgt nicht.


Oscar Maxera was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

After he finished his academic studies, he went through an early period of figurative style. Soon after he, came into contact with the latest trends and innovations of Modern Art, particularly of those introduced by the great masters of geometry. He later developed their contributions and added his own.

This new starting point drove him into changing techniques as well as means of expressions, thus devoting himself to a profound analysis of color used to express subtle relationships through finely outlined geometric shapes

In 1974, an exhibit was held at the Van Riel gallery where the artist shown the accomplishments of his new abstract painting, and started a constant expressive exploration of artistic and non artistic materials; his hallmark for good. Later, in 1981, Maxera settles down in the United States where he has been living and working ever since, in New York, uptown. His art has been greatly strengthened and nurtured by the stimuli of this significant change.

His works are now more radiant an lyrical showing though contradictorily enough, life and human feelings through mathematical shapes. Maxera makes the most of various types of materials from the environment, to later transform them into artistic subject matter with the full force of his creativity and uniqueness.


1967 - Especial Prize, Best Painting:
XII Salón de Otoño de San Fernando, Ateneo Popular Esteban Echeverría, Buenos Aires

1968 - First Prize:
XL Salon of The New Graduate Students of Fine Arts, Buenos Aires

1969 - Honor Prize:
First Exhibition Biennial of Fine Art, Centro de Investigaciones Sociales, Buenos Aires

1969 - 1973
Maxera came to the fore as one of the most inventive artist of the new conceptual art expression, emerging in Argentina through the Center for Art and Communications (C.A.Y.C.). As an invited artist, he joined "EI Grupo de los Trece", shared numerous travelling shows celebrated in the United States, Italy, Germany, France, Poland, Switzerland, Spain, Yugoslavia, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Ecuador and Argentina.

1970 - First Prize:

Vicente López Municipal Salon, Buenos Aires

1970 - Second Prize:
VIII Salón Anual, Círculo Cultural Mariano Moreno, San Antonio de Areco, Buenos Aires

1983 - Meibner Edition
Maxera was selected by Meibner Edition, Hamburg, as one of the world artists to participate in the Deutsche Lufthansa Edition "Artist of the Word".

1985 - Guggenheim Permanent Collection:

"To New York" 1985, acrylic painting, entered the Guggenheim Museum, Permanent Collection. This is the second one.

1987-1988 To New York

The Guggenheim Museum exhibited "To New York" as part of the post-war Latín American selection, Painting Since World War 11, a milestone event in which the Guggenheim Foundation celebrated its fiftieth anniversary.

1988 - Guggenheim Permanent Collection:
The Painting "Made in U.S.A.", 1985, entered into the The Guggenheim Museum Permanent Collection. This is the third one.

1993 - Included in:
Algemeines Künstlerlexikon, Biography, K.G. Saur Verlag, München, Leipzig, Germany
Who-s Who in American Art 20th to 23rd edition.