These parts are NOS which is “New Part - Old Stock” , They may have some minor blemishes and / or discoloration from long term storage. This has no negative effect on the parts or their performance.

We have a very large inventory of these and similar engine parts dating back decades. Part numbers are from the actual packaging and may not have a make / model reference. We do our very best to supply as complete information as possible. Many of our parts are Made in the USA , some are high quality European parts , If we are unsure we will state that. We will update listings as information becomes available.

We are not responsible for ordering errors , Please be sure these are the parts you need  , Fitment / Applications are ultimately the responsibility of the purchaser. Please ask any questions prior to purchase , We are happy to help and answer any questions you may have to the best of our ability 

Our goal is excellent service and parts , please message us with any comments or concerns

10/13/2023: ADP
Location: Fontana 53
Rack: 1
Shelf: 2
Box: 212A
Ship@ 1.5 4x4x4

  • Simca: Miramas / Chatelaine / Etoile 7 / Elysee / Intendante / Monaco /  Monthlary / Messagere / Ocean / Plein-Ciel / Ranch / Castel - 1300, 1301 GL-Break-Tourisme / Engine: 312. Rush 7, Rush Super 7, Rush Service, 1290 cc / 1960 - On
Note: Please be sure you are ordering the part you need - Buyer is responsible to verify application - We combine shipping