Savage Gear 3D Suicide Duck 10.5cm, 28g Angeln, Wobbler, Köder, Killer, Hecht, Barsch, Raubfische

Große: 10,50 cm.
Gewicht: 28,00 g.
Köderart: Floating
Farben:  Gezeigt auf den Bildern!
Wobblern sind Neuware in Orginalverpackung!

A highly realistic topwater duckling imitation lure loaded with innovative features. The 3D scanned details will fool even the most cautious predator fish and ensure brutal attacks and hook-ups. It is made with a hard, ultra-strong ABS body with semi soft and durable feet. The spinning feet give the lure an incredible lively splashing action, leaving a bubble trail in its wake, calling in predator fish from distance. For open water fishing, two feather-covered treble hooks, one on the chest and one on the back clipped to the body, ensure a good hook-up rate. For fishing in snaggy conditions, you can easily remove the treble hook on the belly – the lure is designed so it always lands on the belly with the exposed treble hook on the back. The lure has two styles of action: attach the line to the beak and the lure will run with a low, discreet posture, like a duckling trying to hide and escape at the same time. Attach the line to the chest and the lure will run higher, with a more panicky fleeing action. The lure can be fished fast or slow, with steady retrieve or long pulls – mimicking a duckling in the most realistic way. A killer lure for pike, bass, musky and big, brutal catfish It is said that a great topwater strike counts for 10 regular hits – tie on the Suicide Duck and judge for yourself.

Lieferung nach Deutschland innerhalb von 3-5 Werktagen!!!

 Weitere Lander in Europa  4-7
Business days /Italy and France may delay up to 10 days/

*Keine zusätzlichen Gebühren bei Import für EU-Lander*

Zahlung mit PayPal

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