Handmade vintage Uzbek Bukhara rug

This vintage Uzbek Bukhara rug made in original good condition from the middle of 20th century. The rug is thin, fine made. 

-condition: original good, 

-circa: 1960s,

-size: 4.1' x 5.6' (127cm x 173cm),

-material: wool,

-country of origin: Uzbekistan,

-style: Bukhara,

-background coloursbeige, red, navy blue.

One Royal Art

We usually ship our items in 3-5 days from the day of purchase and use International Service of French National Postal office ( Shippint usually takes from 5 to 10 days) For the US buyers: some of our rugs are represented in New York Gallaries and they would be delivered faster.