Karbon Steele Signature Katana. A T-10 Tungsten Steel variation of the Unokubi-Zukuri blade that I designed myself. The blade is folded to optimum steel purity then clay tempered to make the spine more springy while keeping maximum edge hardness. This Signature design features a double thick bo-hi from the tsuba to half way up the blade where it tapers at the spine (Unokubi means "neck of the Cormorant" referring to the tapered spine near the top)... the taper continues until the blade tip making it very swift. The handle is hickory, pinned, sealed, then covered with luxuriously soft, yet strong silver Italian Leather, wrapped with gray leather strap for reinforcement and added grip. The caps and tsuba are premium silver and gold plated, but very strong (I pounded them on with a hammer and they didn't chip). The saya is very nicely painted silver with white spatter... features an imported hand made Japanese Sageo. Includes the nice sword bag and maintenance kit shown in the pics. Proudly designed and made by Jesse at Karbon Steele/Wycked Scepters.

     A Lifetime Sword Collector and Bushido Enthusiast, now Kenjutsu Master and Artisan of Building Swords. I am very passionate about my craft work and everything I make is done by hand using old methods. All swords are built from blank blades forged by Expert Forgemasters, sources I have found to be consistent in great quality. I buy directly from the source in bulk, so I can maintain low prices for outstanding quality.

     There are lots of How-To videos online or YouTube for maintenance and sharpening; just need a kit or some mineral oil and soft cloths, whetstone or accusharp sharpener, and liquid polish or sand paper for polishing. Flitz Polish is good for shining and removing minor scratches and rust, but wet sanding may be needed for deep scratches and big rust spots. Any leather wrap should be occasionally treated to prevent drying and cracking, the blade needs to be occasionally cleaned with mineral oil to prevent rusting... especially after use or sharpening. All swords are Securely Shipped Worldwide in thick Boxes. If you have any questions about my building methods or want more info about the blades, please ask.

Check out my world famous Martial Arts Gear, Canes, Jewelry, and Wizard Staffs!

Wycked Scepters and Jesse the Artisan Fine Jewelry!

