High Protein Fish Food

Small granule sinking pellets

High protein food

Contains 48% protein

Catfish are bottom feeders, and enjoy eating at their comfortable depths, so this pack of food is ideal for them, with a nutrient balance designed for catfish that sinks to the bottom.

Specially formulated small granule sinking pellet, ideal for all tropical and coldwater bottom feeding fish.

They contain 48% protein so are a very rich food that will promote the best health for bottom dwellers. A rich food like this must not be over dosed, and any remaining food should be removed after 24 hours. 

It will quickly sink to the base of the aquarium, so that foraging fish can search and feed as they would do normally.

Oil 12%, Protein 48%, Ash 8%, Fibre 1.3%
Normal Feed: 2-3 times daily as much as your fish can consume within a few minutes.